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Fullstack Academy is Open in Chicago

Ryan Sommer

MaintainPR client Fullstack Academy has acquired The Starter League, the original coding bootcamp, and is opening its newest campus in Chicago. This new location will provide the same cutting-edge, immersive, JavaScript-oriented education as Fullstack Academy’s main campus in New York City.

Check out the coverage around this important East Coast partnership:

Fullstack acquires Chicago's Starter League coding school -- Chicago Tribune

Fullstack Academy—whose grads land at Facebook and Google—acquires Chicago coding school pioneer -- Chicago Biz Journal

The Starter League just got acquired by New York's Fullstack Academy -- BuiltInChicago

Starter League code school acquired by Fullstack -- Crain's Chicago

Coding Bootcamp, The Starter League, Acquired by Fullstack Academy -- EdSurge

The Starter League, One of the First Code Bootcamps, Acquired By Fullstack Academy -- ChicagoInno