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Filtering by Tag: recode media

Ray Super Remote Now Shipping - Giant Leap for Search & Discovery on TV

Ryan Sommer

The Ray Super Remote (now shipping) is a universal touchscreen remote that will redefine how you find and discover content.

Conceived and headquartered out of NYC by a team made up of technology and design experts from Apple, Amazon, Huge, and Nokia, the Ray Super Remote is the first smart home device that was designed to make content delivery seamless. Whether you are a techie raised in the touchscreen generation, or a TV lover that wants a better recommendation engine and search layer -- the Ray has you covered.

Since it's launch at recode Media, the device has garnered praise and coverage across lifestyle, technology and trade journals. Here is a sampling of what people are saying:

Ending Remote Control Clutter: The Hunt for the Perfect Universal Remote -- WSJ

Ray’s Universal Super Remote Uses Apps To Help Control Your TV -- TechCrunch

A Universal Remote That Aims to Change How You Watch TV -- Wired

The Ray super remote lets you control all your devices — from television to cable box to streaming device to game console -- SF Chronicle

Juggling Too Many Remotes? Try This Touch Screen -- NYTimes

Ray Wants to Change Your TV Experience, With a Touchscreen Remote Control -- recode