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It's a Wrap! LDV Vision Summit 2017 Summary and Press

Ryan Sommer

The 4th annual LDV Vision Summit concluded last week in NYC.

Congrats to the winners of the best startup ('s Jameson Detweiler, Co-Founder & CEO) and Entrepreneurial Computer Vision Challenge's winner Timnit Gebru, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, PhD Candidate!

This year had many resounding takeaways about myth versus reality of general AI, where exactly we are autonomous driving (thanks to detailed presentations from Lyft, AutoX and Uber) and especially in health tech, a new area where we had expert talks on how AI and machine vision are accelerating treatment of disease ; liberating the MRI

The addition of moderation from Fortune's Erin Griffith was great and she joined already seasoned pros like Mike Murphy (Quartz) and Joshua Brustein (Bloomberg) to help make sure panelists and speakers stayed on their toes and delivered value for the audience.

Here is a recap of the press. We'll see you next year!

5 ways computer vision could impact how we do AI -- VentureBeat

LDV Vision Summit in Fortune Term Sheet -- Fortune

Power to the pupils: The Internet of Eyes is fueling a race to dominate next generation cameras -- Venturebeat

Smartglasses to Replace Phones? -- Althea Chang, Tom's Guide

The war over artificial intelligence will be won with visual data -- Evan Nisselson, TechCrunch