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Filtering by Tag: orbital repositioning

Momentus Announces $25.5 Million Series A

Ryan Sommer

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MaintainPR client Momentus are transforming the business implications of getting around in orbit. They recently announced a $25.5MM series A investment round led by Prime Movers Lab and featuring investment from Y Combinator, the Lerner Family, the University of Wyoming Foundation, Quiet Capital, Mountain Nazca, ACE & Company, Liquid 2 Ventures, Drake Management, and others. This brings the total investment sum for Momentus to $34MM.

View some of the coverage we secured.

“Momentus Raises $25.5M for In-space Shuttle Services” — Space News

“In-space Shuttle Service Momentus Raises $25.5 Million” — TechCrunch

“Startup that wants to ferry items in deep space raises $25.5M” — Forbes