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Filtering by Tag: coding school

Fullstack in Chicago Tribune on Coding School Transparency

Ryan Sommer

Not all coding schools are created equal. Which is why MaintainPR client Fullstack Academy joined the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting. Read more in the Chicago Tribune about what Tier 1 schools are doing to advance the space.

Do coding boot camps measure up? These groups want to help you find out -- Chicago Tribune

Coding Bootcamp Fullstack Academy Launches Fund for Alumni

Ryan Sommer

Fullstack Academy ( co-founders David Yang (formerly Gilt Groupe, Recycle Bank) and Nimit Maru know a thing or two about startup ideas and how to see ideation through with proper development.

After graduating from Y Combinator, the two have grown NY/Chicago based Fullstack Academy into the world's top coding school.

Today they have announced Fullstack Fund provide seed funding for its graduates to launch their own startups. Each admitted startup will work full-time for 8 weeks on the NYC Fullstack Academy campus, with the goal of securing another round of funding after the program -- by getting accepted into a top accelerator like Y Combinator, raising an angel round, or figuring out how to bootstrap its growth.

Read more about the Fullstack Fund in TechCrunch, Inc., and many more to come!

"Coding bootcamp Fullstack Academy will fund alumni-founded startups" -- TechCrunch 

"Top-Ranked Fullstack Academy Launches First Alumni Investment Fund" --

"A New Program That Aims to Be a One-Stop Shop for Would-be Founders" -- Inc.