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Filtering by Tag: builtinnyc

Fullstack Academy on Why NYC

Ryan Sommer

For a long time, Silicon Valley was the place to launch a tech company. While this sentiment still rings true, the Valley is no longer the only place successful startups call home.

Check out MaintainPR client Fullstack Academy on why they picked NYC in Built In NYC

4 founders weigh in on why choosing NYC over the Valley, or any other tech hub, was best for their startups -- Built in NYC

Grace Hopper Dean Cited in Built in New York

Ryan Sommer

Taylor Majewski at Built in New York recently polled top female tech leaders in NYC for their Winter reading recommends. 

Check out Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing by Jane Margolis, which is a fav from MaintainPR client Fullstack Academy's Shanna Gregory.

Shanna is the dean of the Grace Hopper Program, a tuition deferred immersive software engineering school offered by Fullstack Academy. With over 4 years of experience in the coding education industry, Shanna oversees all operations and partnerships, while working hands-on with Grace Hopper graduates on employment after completing the program.

Fullstack Academy in the News

Ryan Sommer

MaintainPR client Fullstack Academy continues to impress students and grads with their rigorous curriculum and high placement rates.

Check out these recent placements in Chicago Tribune, BuiltInNYC:

Could coding boot camps see stricter standards? -- Chicago Tribune

For women in tech, New York City is calling -- Built In NYC


Swipecast Nabs Venmo Co-founder as Advisor

Ryan Sommer

Swipecast, the app that brings together stylists, photographers, designers and models all in one place where they can exchange information, review each others’ portfolios, set up castings and even book each other for jobs, has announced Iqram Ismail as advisor.

Ismail was introduced to Swipecast in August after using the app to source creatives for his own side project in music production. He realized that Swipecast was entering a market ripe for disruption, as modeling’s brick-and-mortar business hadn’t caught up to the technology permeating the freelance economy.

Check out the full story over on BuiltInNYC

Venmo Cofounder Wants to Change How the Fashion Industry Gets Paid -- BuiltInNYC