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Filtering by Tag: astro digital

Astro Digital on NPR's Planet Money

Ryan Sommer

Space is easier to get to than ever and it will change life on earth. That's the premise of NPR's recent series featuring MaintainPR client Astro Digital

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In Episode 3, the Planet Money team explores new options and a redefined landscape for launch services. Having synced up with the Astro Digital team during Small Sat Symposium in Utah, the results include some thought compelling commentary.

Astro Digital Launches First Imaging Satellites

Ryan Sommer

MaintainPR client Astro Digital sent their imaging satellites into space early Friday morning as part of larger payload launched by the Russian company Glavkosmos! Quality images that capture crisp details are needed to measure trends on how the earth is changing. Astro Digital’s differentiator is in a system specifically designed for large scale change monitoring, from spacecraft size, optics, power, and orbit to the unique downlink solution that fires bits from 600km above earth to a antenna at the north pole at rate 10x faster than a typical small satellite. Read more on TechCrunch, SpaceFlightNow, Spacenews and Silicon Valley Business Journal below.



Astro Digital Featured in Wired

Ryan Sommer

A race is on in the stratosphere. Not just for satellite imagery (which can tell big picture stories faster than ever before), but also for companies with the means to make sense of large changing data sets. Check out Sarah Scoles excellent piece in Wired featuring MaintainPR client Astro Digital.

The Race to Rule the High-Flying Business of Satellite Imagery -- Wired

Astro Digital Featured in New Scientist (Print and Web)

Ryan Sommer

Astro Digital ( is enabling big data analytics from space. The team (based in NASA's Moffett Field) monitor Earth from space through open data and their constellation of multi-spectral satellites, providing software for imagery analysis and distribution. It's all about faster monitoring of commercially active land use to model global change and analyze local activity.

Astro Digital was recently featured prominently in a print (and web) piece on "supersmart" nanosats in the prestigious New Scientist after an intro pitch via MaintainPR to science write Hal Hodson (London and SF).

Check out the piece here:

"Supersmart satellites reveal crops and fields like never before" -- New Scientist