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What Our Clients Say

"Roozz was looking for a freelance communications consultant with connections to tech and startup bloggers, but also with wider mainstream media who might be interested in our story of transforming software to a pay-as-you-go model. Ryan has fit both criteria nicely and is a genuine personality with a writing background to boot!" Jesper Thomsen, Co-founder, VP Sales and Marketing at Roozz


"I have tended to do my own PR with my previous start-ups, but with ViewsOnYou I was looking for a more structured effort whilst not blowing the budget. Ryan immediately understood the proposition, and its potential, and helped to craft a storyline that would work with both national media and tech blogs.  He has been fantastic in his organisation, creative in his ideas, persistent with his follow-ups, and has delivered valuable coverage in a very short period of time." Ab Banerjee, Founder and CEO at ViewsOnYou


"Ryan has been providing Teamly with PR services through MaintainPR. He is great to work with as he understands tech, and has good connections with our target media, particularly in San Francisco. Ryan works really hard to get results and does all this for a very competitive rate. He's also a really nice guy. I've recommended him to other startups." Scott Allison, Founder and CEO at


"Ryan is great. He helped us (MinuteBox) to reach out to some major media in our space for the Beta launch. He gave us a lot of great advice on PR strategy, and press release content. As a result, we got great coverage. I will definitely work with him again for any PR needs" Josh Liu, Co-founder at